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This is a new service – give us your feedback to help improve it.


Phase banner

The phase banner can display the phase that the service is currently in.


  1. Status
  2. When to use this component

Phases must adhere to the list of phases in an agile project from the GOV.UK Service Manual.

It should also give a link that allows users to provide feedback.

Open this example in new tab


<div class="tna-phase-banner">
  <div class="tna-container">
    <div class="tna-column tna-column--full-tiny">
      <span class="tna-phase-banner__phase">
    <div class="tna-column tna-column--flex-1 tna-column--full-tiny">
      <p class="tna-phase-banner__message">
        This is a new service - <a href="#">give us your feedback</a> to help improve it.


Nunjucks options
Primary options
Name Type Description
phase string


message string


classes string

Classes to add to the phase banner.

attributes object

HTML attributes (for example data attributes) to add to the phase banner.

{% from "nationalarchives/components/phase-banner/macro.njk" import tnaPhaseBanner %}

{{ tnaPhaseBanner({
  phase: "alpha",
  message: "This is a new service - <a href=\"#\">give us your feedback</a> to help improve it."
}) }}
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Use this component at the top of the page so it is the first thing users see.

Place the phase banner after the skip link.

Consider using the phase banner option inside either the header or global header components as this will add the phase banner inside the header landmark. This is the preferred approach by AXE; "All page content should be contained by landmarks" from Deque University.

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