The footer component provides an area to use for copyright information and additional links to things like social media.
<footer class="tna-footer" data-module="tna-footer">
<div class="tna-footer__inner">
<div class="tna-container">
<div class="tna-column tna-column--flex-1 tna-column--width-1-2-medium tna-column--full-small tna-column--full-tiny tna-column--order-1">
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<h2 class="tna-heading-m tna-footer__title">The National Archives</h2>
<address class="tna-footer__address">
Kew, Richmond<br>
<div class="tna-container">
<div class="tna-column--full">
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<title>Open Government Licence</title>
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<div class="tna-column tna-column--flex-1">
<p>All content is available under the <a href="" class="tna-footer__link">Open Government Licence v3.0</a>, except where otherwise stated</p>
<div class="tna-column tna-column--full-small tna-column--full-tiny tna-footer__govuk">
<a href="" class="tna-footer__govuk-link">
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Nunjucks options
Name | Type | Description |
meta | string | |
social | object | |
navigation | array | |
legal | array | |
themeSelector | boolean |
Enable the theme selector (once settings cookies have been accepted). |
classes | string |
Classes to add to the footer. |
attributes | object |
HTML attributes (for example data attributes) to add to the footer. |
Name | Type | Description |
items | array |
Name | Type | Description |
href | string |
Required. |
icon | string |
Required. |
title | string |
Required. |
Name | Type | Description |
title | string |
Required. |
hideTitle | boolean | |
items | array |
Required. |
Name | Type | Description |
text | string |
Required. |
href | string |
Required. |
title | string | |
newTab | boolean |
Name | Type | Description |
text | string |
Required. |
href | string |
Required. |
title | string |
{% from "nationalarchives/components/footer/macro.njk" import tnaFooter %}
{{ tnaFooter({}) }}
- Status
- Ready for production
- Tested without CSS
- Yes
- Passed DAC audit
- Yes
- Analytics integrated
- Yes
- Documentation complete
- No