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Use the card component for providing previews to articles and pages.


  1. Status
  2. Horizontal
  3. Images

Use the card component for providing previews to articles and pages.

Open this example in new tab


<article class="tna-card tna-card--demo">
  <hgroup class="tna-hgroup-m tna-card__heading">
    <p class="tna-hgroup__supertitle">Card supertitle</p>
    <h3 class="tna-hgroup__title">
      <a href="#" class="tna-card__heading-link">Card title</a>
  <a href="#" class="tna-card__image-container" tabindex="-1" aria-hidden="true">
    <picture class="tna-card__image">
      <img src=";font=museo&amp;font_size=48" alt="An example image containing the text &#39;Image&#39;" width="600" height="400">
  <div class="tna-card__body">
    <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam vel tincidunt velit, a molestie turpis.</p>


Nunjucks options
Primary options
Name Type Description
supertitle string

The smaller title to display above the main card title.

title string


The main title of the card.

headingLevel number


The heading level which represents an element from <h1> through to <h6>.

headingSize string

The physical size of the card title (xl, l, m or s).

Default: m

href string

A URL to use as a link in the card’s heading and image.

hrefClasses string

Classes to add to the elements of the card that use href.

hrefAttributes object

HTML attributes (for example data attributes) to add to the elements of the card that use href.

imageSrc string

The location of the card’s image.

imageAlt string

Alternative text for the image in the event that it can’t be displayed.

imageWidth number

The width of the image in pixels.

imageHeight number

The height of the image in pixels.

imageType string

The mime type of the image. Defaults to image/jpeg. Only required when using imageSources.

imageSources array

Alternative sources of the image.

See macro options for imageSources.

lazyImage boolean

If true, make the image a lazily-loaded image.

label string

A label which will appear over the top left of the card’s image. If there is no image, the label is not displayed.

labelColour string

The colour to use for the label. Can be set to black, pink, orange, yellow, green or blue. If not set, the default is the current accent colour.

meta array

Small pieces of additional information akin to subtitles, displayed between the title and the body.

See macro options for meta.

body string

The HTML for the main body of the card. Not displayed if text is set.

text string

The text for the card which will be inserted into a <p> element. Overwrites body if it is set.

actions array

An array of actions to add at the bottom of the card. Each action is displayed as a button.

See macro options for actions.

fullAreaClick boolean

If true, href is set and there are no actions, allow users to click anywhere on the card to follow the link.

horizontal boolean

If true, change the card to a horizontal layout, placing the image to the left of the content. This layout changes back to vertical on smaller devices.

horizontalOnSmall boolean

If true, use a horizontal layout on small devices.

horizontalFlipped boolean

If true, place the image on the right when using horizontal layouts.

horizontalSmallImage boolean

If true, use a smaller image when using horizontal layouts.

style string

The style of card to use which can be either contrast for an inverted card, tint for a tinted one or accent for a card that matches the page’s accent colour.

plainSupertitle boolean

If true, remove the accent or contrast colour from the card supertitle.

accentMeta boolean

If true, meta tags adopt an accented style.

htmlElement string

HTML element of the card.

Default: article

classes string

Classes to add to the card.

attributes object

HTML attributes (for example data attributes) to add to the card.

Options for imageSources
Name Type Description
src string


The location of the image.

type string


The mime type of the image.

media string

A media condition for the image.

width number

The width of the image in pixels.

height number

The height of the image in pixels.

Options for meta
Name Type Description
title string


The title of the meta data which is visually hidden.

text string


The text element of the meta data.

icon string

The name of a Font Awesome icon, without the prefixed fa-.

Options for actions
Name Type Description
text string


The text for the action.

href string


The URL of the action.

title string

An optional title for the action.

classes string

Classes to add to the card action.

attributes object

HTML attributes (for example data attributes) to add to the card action.

{% from "nationalarchives/components/card/macro.njk" import tnaCard %}

{{ tnaCard({
  supertitle: "Card supertitle",
  title: "Card title",
  headingLevel: 3,
  headingSize: "m",
  href: "#",
  imageSrc: "",
  imageAlt: "An example image containing the text 'Image'",
  imageWidth: 600,
  imageHeight: 400,
  body: "<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam vel tincidunt velit, a molestie turpis.</p>",
  classes: "tna-card--demo"
}) }}
Ready for production
Tested without CSS
Passed DAC audit
Documentation complete

Use larger horizontal cards to draw attention to a specific article.

Open this example in new tab


<article class="tna-card tna-card--horizontal tna-card--padded tna-background-contrast">
  <hgroup class="tna-hgroup-l tna-card__heading">
    <p class="tna-hgroup__supertitle">Card supertitle</p>
    <h3 class="tna-hgroup__title">
      <a href="#" class="tna-card__heading-link">Card title</a>
  <a href="#" class="tna-card__image-container" tabindex="-1" aria-hidden="true">
    <picture class="tna-card__image">
      <img src=";font=museo&amp;font_size=48" alt="An example image containing the text &#39;Image&#39;" width="600" height="400">
  <div class="tna-card__body">
    <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam vel tincidunt velit, a molestie turpis.</p>


Nunjucks options
Primary options
Name Type Description
supertitle string

The smaller title to display above the main card title.

title string


The main title of the card.

headingLevel number


The heading level which represents an element from <h1> through to <h6>.

headingSize string

The physical size of the card title (xl, l, m or s).

Default: m

href string

A URL to use as a link in the card’s heading and image.

hrefClasses string

Classes to add to the elements of the card that use href.

hrefAttributes object

HTML attributes (for example data attributes) to add to the elements of the card that use href.

imageSrc string

The location of the card’s image.

imageAlt string

Alternative text for the image in the event that it can’t be displayed.

imageWidth number

The width of the image in pixels.

imageHeight number

The height of the image in pixels.

imageType string

The mime type of the image. Defaults to image/jpeg. Only required when using imageSources.

imageSources array

Alternative sources of the image.

See macro options for imageSources.

lazyImage boolean

If true, make the image a lazily-loaded image.

label string

A label which will appear over the top left of the card’s image. If there is no image, the label is not displayed.

labelColour string

The colour to use for the label. Can be set to black, pink, orange, yellow, green or blue. If not set, the default is the current accent colour.

meta array

Small pieces of additional information akin to subtitles, displayed between the title and the body.

See macro options for meta.

body string

The HTML for the main body of the card. Not displayed if text is set.

text string

The text for the card which will be inserted into a <p> element. Overwrites body if it is set.

actions array

An array of actions to add at the bottom of the card. Each action is displayed as a button.

See macro options for actions.

fullAreaClick boolean

If true, href is set and there are no actions, allow users to click anywhere on the card to follow the link.

horizontal boolean

If true, change the card to a horizontal layout, placing the image to the left of the content. This layout changes back to vertical on smaller devices.

horizontalOnSmall boolean

If true, use a horizontal layout on small devices.

horizontalFlipped boolean

If true, place the image on the right when using horizontal layouts.

horizontalSmallImage boolean

If true, use a smaller image when using horizontal layouts.

style string

The style of card to use which can be either contrast for an inverted card, tint for a tinted one or accent for a card that matches the page’s accent colour.

plainSupertitle boolean

If true, remove the accent or contrast colour from the card supertitle.

accentMeta boolean

If true, meta tags adopt an accented style.

htmlElement string

HTML element of the card.

Default: article

classes string

Classes to add to the card.

attributes object

HTML attributes (for example data attributes) to add to the card.

Options for imageSources
Name Type Description
src string


The location of the image.

type string


The mime type of the image.

media string

A media condition for the image.

width number

The width of the image in pixels.

height number

The height of the image in pixels.

Options for meta
Name Type Description
title string


The title of the meta data which is visually hidden.

text string


The text element of the meta data.

icon string

The name of a Font Awesome icon, without the prefixed fa-.

Options for actions
Name Type Description
text string


The text for the action.

href string


The URL of the action.

title string

An optional title for the action.

classes string

Classes to add to the card action.

attributes object

HTML attributes (for example data attributes) to add to the card action.

{% from "nationalarchives/components/card/macro.njk" import tnaCard %}

{{ tnaCard({
  supertitle: "Card supertitle",
  title: "Card title",
  headingLevel: 3,
  headingSize: "l",
  href: "#",
  imageSrc: "",
  imageAlt: "An example image containing the text 'Image'",
  imageWidth: 600,
  imageHeight: 400,
  body: "<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam vel tincidunt velit, a molestie turpis.</p>",
  horizontal: true,
  style: "contrast"
}) }}

Use 3:2 aspect ratio images as the default for thumbnails on card components.

Thumbnails should be around 600px wide and 400px tall to ensure they display well across all screen sizes.

An example image for the card component
An example 600x400 pixel image that is a suitable size for the card component.

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